Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ready or not!

Over the last 2 days I've learned what it feels like when your child is sick. Useless, helpless, and completely uneducated are some words that come to mind. When I was pregnant I thought caring for a newborn would be a cinch! I have 5 nieces and nephews and I'm a preschool teacher...seriously I knew it all! Boy was I mistaken. My poor little man has been waking up coughing and snorting every hour on the hour. We won't even mention the amount of green gunk coming from his nose! I call the pediatrician ranting like a lunatic. They tell me to stand in a steamy shower, use that crazy bulb like aspirator thingy...and drumroll please...take his temperature...rectally. Now obviously I was left to do this alone. There are only a few things hubby can't boogers (yup he dry heaves over the toilet), and rectal temperatures. So, alas I put on my big girl pants and I took his temperature. Thankfully it was over before I knew it and to be honest I don't think Wes even noticed. I guess we can chalk this experience up to fear of the unknown, and maybe next time won't be so bad. I guess there are going to be alot of these "fear of the unknown" moments throughout this journey and each time I will close my eyes and jump in because one thing I do know...there is nothing you won't do for your baby.


I promised to add a quote here it is...and it is completely innapropriate when speaking of my child, but hey sometimes the hubby is a 15 year old in a 32 year old body...
Me (on the phone with a girlfriend):  "The doctor said I had to take a rectal temp"
Ryan: "rectum, damn near killed em!"
...see I told you...totally innapropriate!

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