Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

It's been a great few days around here! Wes has been rolling like crazy, although he gets stuck on his belly and then freaks out that he can't get back over! We visited Dr. Ben and we are up 1.4 pounds in 2 weeks! It looks like the Alimentum is working which is exciting...stinky...but exciting! Dr. Ben thinks Wes is developing nicely, he may have even used the word "advanced."  He may have meant he is "advanced" in size...but its more fun to think he's you know...advanced! 

Lucky duck Ryan...aka daddy...spent the day prepping for his big weekend away! He spent his 32nd birthday packing up the trailer to head to New York for the first big BBQ competition of the season! Hopefully the trailer, the smokers...and most importantly the "Show me your Rack" t shirts make it to Rochester! Check back this weekend for updates on how the team is fairing among the 100+ BBQ teams competing on the circuit...yeah thats right I speak competitive BBQ lingo! 


Heres wes and Daddy sharing a quick birthday hug....not sure if anyone has noticed that every picture I have of Wes and Ryan they are sitting in the same spot...I'll have to start getting creative...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin....

Were rolling people!!!!! Its official Wes finally rolled from his back to his belly! He's been teetering on his belly, with his arm stuck underneath him for a few weeks now. I knew its was coming but finally he got himself over! In the weeks leading up to this excitement I sat with my camera at the ready, I have taken countless minutes of video just waiting to capture the official milestone. But do you think I had the camera out when he finally got over...of course not. So instead I've got pics of the final product and clip after clip of him" almost" there. I guess thats going to have to do...enjoy! 


Working hard....


With a little help from my friends....

Wait for it....wait for it....


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Business 2 Blogger

So I am really getting into this whole blogging thing. I'm spending hours after little man goes to bed playing around with things and trying to understand the technology. I swear its like Christmas morning every time I see a new follower on my list! So to drum up some traffic to my site I have joined the group Business 2 Blogger. Its a service that brings businesses and bloggers together. Businesses can send a campaign to the site and collect a number of bloggers to try out their products and write a review. I figured it couldn't hurt, and the best part...its completely FREE! Hey if its free its for me....and since I don't actually have a job at the moment....

Visit them at


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today was a good day

Today was a good day....Today we celebrated the birthday of the most courageous woman I have ever known. Today we celebrated my Mom. It sounds cliche, but her life was nothing short of inspirational. May 19th has proven to be both a day for celebration and a day for sadness... in the most poetic way she could my mom left this world on the same day she entered it. At midnight we gathered by her bedside to sing Happy Birthday, and a few short hours later as the sun was rising on her 60th birthday we said our last goodbye. Although my children will never get to meet her in the flesh, they will know about her and what an impression she has left on this world. They will feel the love she had for her family, her friends, and the grandchildren she dreamt about. Her last accomplishment was becoming a Nana on May first, 18 days before she passed. Even though Luke was too young to remember I think he will always have a special connection to her. That 2 week old baby was the glue that held our family together as we walked through hell and managed to emerge on the other side. When asked where Nana lives, Luke will respond..."She lives in heaven with the angels." And though it may be the imagination of a precocious 4 year old boy, I like to believe its my mother reassuring us that she made it, and though we can't physically see her or touch her, she is with us wherever we go...


We sent off balloons, and watched them rise slowly to the each one passed from view I imagined her reaching out and collecting them. A symbol of love from each of us...a reminder that we will never let her memory fade.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


So apparently I get to use that cool acronym SAHM (aka stay at home mom). I have decided to request another year off from my full time job to stay home with Wes. Although so exciting, also super scary. Not quite sure how we can do it without my salary, but we'll make it work. I won't be completely free to live a life of leisure I will work some hours in the afternoon and evenings, but it will mean NO DAYCARE! A few sacrifices here and there are worth the time I'll get to spend with my little man. We traveled a very long road to reach our current destination and honestly I just want to stay awhile...


Friday, May 14, 2010

Skinny Cow

I am currently in LOVE with the new skinny cow ice cream cups. They are creamy little cups of deliciousness. They even taste like ice cream...and drumroll please...they are only 2 points in weight watcher world. If you've known me for awhile I'm sure you've heard me engage in some kind of conversation regarding points. I can be quite obsessive about it, but currently regardless of its point count ice cream is not on the fit into Amy's dress weight loss plan! However, that being said I did a whole lot better savoring my cute little cup than tucking into the giant blizzard I really wanted! Tonight I enjoyed the chocolate brownie flavor...heavy on the chocolate and generous on the brownie... delish....

While I was enjoying my treat Wes was snoring peacefully in his crib. All was well in the world, and I had a few puke free minutes to enjoy. When I went to go ogle at my perfectly sleeping baby this is what I found....

he had turned himself around and stuck his legs right through the bars! It doesn't seem to bother him, but what is worse... smooshing his face into the bumper or getting stuck between the bars? Any help on this little issue would be greatly appreciated...


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cross Roads

It's all about this.....

and this.....

...and definitely this....

....he is the thing that matters most. He is what makes my world spin. In a short 3 months Wes has completely changed who I am and what is important. So why am I second guessing myself. I have arrived at a crossroads...a fork in the road that may just map out the next few chapters of my life. I have been given a choice to stay home with my little man, and pursue other things...again WHY am I second guessing myself? My decision has been made, I think it was made the second I heard the news, I guess I'm just trying to talk out the guilt....but wouldn't I feel even more guilt if I spent everyday away from that 16 pound bundle of love? 

okay...okay...thats enough seriousness for tonight I don't think I can spend another minute thinking of lets move onto to something fun spit up! 

The alimentum has been started and although the spit up is DEFINITELY less, the stink factor has increased by ten! And coincidence or not.... he was up at 3am and he would not go to bed tonight. I really hope its just a wacky coincidence because if this smelly stuff works we get it for free! Yep thats right not only an answer to our vomit stopping prayers, but an answer to our empty pocketbook! Dr. Ben says give it a few when have I given it the good ole try before I run to the office and wave that prescription pad in front of his face? 2 days... 3 days....seriously when you go through a $22 jar of formula every 4 days that little pad of paper containing completely illegible handwriting may as well be a  winning lottery ticket! Stay tuned....


Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So....we have moved onto alimentum! Wes visited Dr. Ben today and since he is only in the 90th percentile for weight we decided it was high time to try something new. I'm happy to try anything at this point but alimentum is seriously stinky!!! We've only tried it a few times so far, but man is it gross! I may be able to stand it if the lake of puke dries up...but I'm trying to not to get too excited! Its one thing to have a puddle of puke on my floor, but a stinky puddle is unacceptable so keep your fingers crossed!!!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I know I'm a day late, but happy mother's day to all you wonderful mommies out there! I have so many wonderful examples to learn from! I had a great morning visiting with Nana Petersen and Auntie Lynn, Wes's gift was sparing their clothing from a river of spit up...more on that later. Back at home we were surprised with a visit from Auntie Nikki, Luke, and Olivia...of course I had no snacks so they went to visit  Auntie Kim, she has all the good stuff! Captain stopped in to see me on my first Mother's day, he brought a plant with a sign in it that said "Mom's Garden" It is still so strange that the "Mom" is referring to me!!!! Wes and Daddy spoiled me good, I finally got the silver pendant labeled with a "W." I've wanted it since before he was born and I'm so excited to wear his letter every day!!! We ended the day with dinner and some live music, everyone was ogling over Wes and well behaved he was! We had a great day...I'm sure Ryan is thrilled that I have ended my laundry strike and he doesn't have to hear me say "But its my day!" anymore! Wait til Father's day!!

....on the discussion of spit much is too much! Seriously I don't see how this kid can still be gaining weight! They continue to tell me he's fine, but I'm starting to think otherwise....


Me and My Baby Boy on my First Mother's Day!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

First Haircut!!!

Wes got his first haircut today! I had so many people giving me advice...cut it, don't cut it...he's too young, he looks like a girls, etc etc! Ultimately I decided the parachute wings had to go! If I didn't get it cut soon he may just fly away. We headed across the street (my neighbor is a hairdresser) right after nap time and he was a champ! Only cried a bit and he looks so handsome! The only sad part is that he looks like a real boy now...not so much like a baby! Of course we conducted a photo shoot....Auntie Kim and Auntie Sarah were on hand for photography and hair and makeup (....aka spit up detail!) We had a great time....scroll down to see the excitement!

Before..... my spikey do! 

My Niece Olivia also had her first pedicure today...she is 2! Check out what a diva she is! 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

Today was one of those days that I dreamt of during my 2 year journey to motherhood. The house was clean, the windows open, Wes was sleeping peacefully in his spotless bedroom. There was the perfect breeze blowing the smell of fresh cut grass throughout the house. It was gorgeous and I relished in every minute of it. Of course now it 9:30 pm I'm covered in spit up and there are piles of laundry all over the floor, but for that fleeting moment life was perfect...and spotless! Oh well...we will try again tomorrow! Aside from the constant flow of Lava Mt St Wes has been super happy lately, check out these perfect little cheeks!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Social Disgrace

Yep that about sums me up these days...a social disgrace! Normally I am a save the date sending, thank you note writing girl whose favorite store is called what else...Social Graces. I love to craft and luckily  all the weddings I've been in have provided endless opportunities to do just that. People find exercising or cooking therapeutic, not me, give me an exacto knife and a ruler and I'm in scrapbook heaven. There is something just so calming about all those straight lines! Anyway my social grace took a giant nose dive when Wes came along. While I was at home patiently awaiting his arrival I got all my thank you notes written and sent out in a timely fashion...then my little man made his appearance and all my creativity flew out the window. Don't get me wrong I knew exactly what I wanted to send out for birth announcements, and I picked up more thank you cards on my way home from the hospital, but it was the execution that became the problem. So one month turned into 2, two into 3...and on the eve of his 3 month birthday out go the birth announcements! At that rate I should have just waited and sent out birthday announcements! So long story short, I think I made more verbal thank yous than written, and so what that my birth announcements were three months late...I'll get my social mojo back someday...but until then I'll just blame it on my super cute bundle of joy....after all who can resist this face...

Here are those tardy announcements...sorry I can't figure out how to rotate it! The design was done by Bungalow273 very talented brother!