Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tis the season...

It's the most wonderful time of the year...although its not quite that time yet and I'm having a hard time with it! Do I just go all in and except that Thanksgiving is now officially considered in the mix when people say "Happy Holidays?" Maybe I'm completely clueless, but I'm pretty sure the "holiday" season didn't start until after all the turkey had been consumed...however I it or not Christmas has arrived and I guess I'm just gonna accept it and tune that radio dial into 93.3 and sing along! I will admit, I did do some holiday recon shopping today. I plan to be one of those ridiculous people to hit Kohl's at an ungodly hour to snag all those doorbuster deals. I act like I have so much more to buy this year, now that we have Wes...but seriously, buy him a roll of wrapping paper and he'll be happy as a clam. Ripping, tearing, shredding...a fun new pastime Wes has developed over the past few weeks. I guess it is helpful when he tears through all 17 catalogs that are delivered to my door daily...Auntie Nikki I'll send him your way next! 
And speaking of Wes...he is officially cruising! He has become very brave and will pull himself up on anything and everything. I'm pretty sure there is a permanent bruise on his forehead, and a little cut under his chin. Face plants have become a bit of the norm unfortunately...however Daddy's trick of laughing at him when it happens sure does decrease the time spent screaming. Although all this standing and cruising has led to dropping the crib mattress all the way to the floor...insert sad face here...its just another indication of my baby being not so "baby" if the way he devoured a meatball wasn't a clue already but c'mon the crib mattress all the way to the ground....


1 comment:

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