Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today was a good day

Today was a good day....Today we celebrated the birthday of the most courageous woman I have ever known. Today we celebrated my Mom. It sounds cliche, but her life was nothing short of inspirational. May 19th has proven to be both a day for celebration and a day for sadness... in the most poetic way she could my mom left this world on the same day she entered it. At midnight we gathered by her bedside to sing Happy Birthday, and a few short hours later as the sun was rising on her 60th birthday we said our last goodbye. Although my children will never get to meet her in the flesh, they will know about her and what an impression she has left on this world. They will feel the love she had for her family, her friends, and the grandchildren she dreamt about. Her last accomplishment was becoming a Nana on May first, 18 days before she passed. Even though Luke was too young to remember I think he will always have a special connection to her. That 2 week old baby was the glue that held our family together as we walked through hell and managed to emerge on the other side. When asked where Nana lives, Luke will respond..."She lives in heaven with the angels." And though it may be the imagination of a precocious 4 year old boy, I like to believe its my mother reassuring us that she made it, and though we can't physically see her or touch her, she is with us wherever we go...


We sent off balloons, and watched them rise slowly to the each one passed from view I imagined her reaching out and collecting them. A symbol of love from each of us...a reminder that we will never let her memory fade.


  1. Happy B-day Ma! We miss you! Thanks for a beautiful piece of writing Sis!

  2. Loved this post, brought a tear to my eye - both a happy tear and a sad tear. Happy for the way you all remembered your mom, sad because we all miss her! xoxo to you all....
