Thursday, May 19, 2011

Is your glass full or empty?

So today seems like as good a day as any to start writing again...Today is the 5 year anniversary of my Mother's death or the celebration of her 65th birthday. I guess it depends on wether your glass is half full or half empty. Sometimes I think how nice it would be to go back to my childhood and see things through the rose colored lenses of a 5 year old. I think my glass would always be half full. I know my niece and nephew's glasses are always chock full...when talking to them about their nana today there was such an honest innocence...comments like "she lives in her purple and pink castle in the sky"or, "well in heaven an anniversary is just like a birthday." Or maybe it was the actual sight of them standing in a cemetery in the rain eating ben 10 cupcakes and singing happy birthday. Somehow the kids always make it easier, and I think I was actually able to enjoy the day and celebrate her birthday rather than her death. I still do and always will have my moments, but today I was happy.

But how can I not be...have you seen my little boy lately....oh yeah thats right I haven't written in a million years! He is just shy of 16 months, he runs and climbs and plays, he sits at the big boy table at birthday parties, and he says entire phrases like "I want it," and "oh man!" He officially went to day care for a whole day and he didn't even cry (neither did I for the record!).  He slightly overgeneralized the sign "more" and now when you enter the house he greets you with the sign just in case you brought him a treat. He loves his cantaloupe and strawberries but in general steers clear from anything green...currently freeze pops and pirates booty are the snacks of choice. Down at Auntie Kim's house he learned that the animals there are called "kitties," funny because now he stands at the door saying "kitty, kitty" "kitty, kitty." Somewhere he missed that he's a dog owner...poor titan he gets no love these days. I think we are officially in for it, because he is getting a little fresh and just after he whacks you with a hairbrush, he wraps his arms around you and snuggles right into the crook of your neck...I don't know you tell me...face of an angel or conniving little devil?????

Easter Bunny arrived!!!

"Who stole he cookies from the cookie jar..."

Lunch with Aylin!!

Grilling like his daddy!

I'll try not to stay away so long this time!!!

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