Monday, March 28, 2011


Is Wes's newest word! He goes to the cabinet where they are kept, stands there, and say "cracka, cracka" over and over again. He is also appropriately and intentionally signing "more" when he wants more of something...brilliant! I finally bought myself a copy of What to Expect-The Toddler Years so of course now we spend our days testing out skills and checking them off the list! Today we scribbled with a marker, and then we colored our mouth purple...yum!

Guess it's time to get some crayons...We also started work on our body parts. Of course by the end of the evening he had mastered work begins on belly, I will keep you posted!

Since this has become a bit of an online baby book, I guess I should list some of the things that have become popular around the Petersen no specific order....

Good night Gorilla
Jake and the Never Land Pirates
The toilet and the brush we use to clean it
Mark West Pinot Noir...okay thats Mommy's favorite...
Throwing diapers (yay!), sippy cups, and silverware (boo) in the trash
Bank tellers that give us lollipops

Thats all I got for now...Cabin fever is hitting hard and we can't wait for warmer weather so we can get outside and play! 


Friday, March 11, 2011

Good Night Gorilla...and other random fun

Tonight we read Goodnight Gorilla for like the 7 zillionth time. Nap time, bed time, and any other random time he happens to pick it up, as if its some new found treasure he never saw before. He laughs at all the right places and as long as he continues to look at me with those huge eyes and that giant smile every time mrs. zookeeper find the animals in her room I will continue reading it 700 hundred times a day. He kills me...those eyes they get me every time! I have stopped getting teary every time we get to that part, and now I am able to just be happy and enjoy that we are sitting together reading...a real  life version of the daydreams I had when we were struggling to get pregnant. And as he grows and gets stronger, and he climbs on the furniture, and fights for the remote controls and cell phones, and when he won't eat his vegis I  take a step back and remember what a blessing and a gift his little life is, and I try not to be frustrated...although when he turns off the TV and calls china and feeds the dog an entire bowl of goldfish (all in 5 minutes) it does take a little more self control...

Not sure if I told you...we have an official walker now. Not just steps from one place to another, we are full on walking...even responding to the cue "stand up and walk." His little bum sticks out and swings side to side to help balance is one adorable sight....having a bit of a technical difficulty, I will post the video asap!

Wes also hit Vermont for his first official weekend in Quechee. It was a weekend full of Toomey family fun, Auntie Nikki, Uncle Rick, Uncle Chris, Luke and Liv were all there to cheer Luke on in the Quechee Club's cardboard box sled derby. I'm not sure Uncle Chris knew what he was in for with the 6 am wake up call from Olivia...."'s me O-livia!!!!" It was a really fun weekend though, and we are already in the planning stages to sweep the competition next year!

Uncle Ryan set the mood with "flash" pancakes

Off to the races....

We came in second in our could have been a photo finish!!!

...and in closing I would just like to brag a kid throws away his own diapers....tries to unlock the door with keys...puts his own dirty silverware in the dishwasher....seriously, he's a genius! Here are a few more shots of my perfect little man...I know, I know I'm his mom, I'm allowed to brag!

Wes Loves his chair!!
