Halloween has come and gone....my burger boy was hysterical in his sesame seed bun, and all the other ghouls and goblins (or fairies, princesses', pirates, super heros, and skunks in my case) had a great time trick or treating. The fire was blazing, the pats were playing, and kids were laughing (or more like whining "when can we go....just one more house, etc etc....) I can't believe how fast the fall is slipping away from us....I have officially started christmas shopping and am scribbling down lists as fast as my pen will write.
Speaking of flying time, I don't think I mentioned Wes's nine month stats. A whopping 21 pounds and 30 inches long...funny that he is wearing 12-18 month clothing yet he still throws up every time he eats...I can't even begin to imagine how big he'd be if he held all that food in! He continues to develop something new everyday...just last week Dr. Ben told us to watch for the wave next....and just like that the next day he waved! And he clearly had intent, not just waving to see his hand flip in front of his face. He has quickly added "Bye Bye" to his repertoire of words...and if you catch him at just the right moment you'll hear him say "hi"...its almost as though the word doesn't cross his lips but comes from somewhere in his belly...but regardless it gets me every time! We also gnaw on our crib now...thats a fun new trick I could really do without! Anyhow things are moving fast and I'm afraid if I look away for one minute I'll miss something!
Oh and by the way...you may be listening to the song playing and wondering why it has anything to do with Wes, its my new fav and I figured since yesterday was election day it was the only time I'd be able to fit it in...Turn it up and Enjoy!
..and of course there are photos...