Hmmmmm he looks pretty peaceful think I'm overreacting....its okay you can tell me I won't take it personally!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Its gonna be a long night!
I realized tonight...again...that I have a lot to learn about being a Mom. Somehow I decided that Wes was warmer than usual and I took his temperature. Good thing I did, it was 101.5! He was perfectly happy, no visible signs of illness, just a high temperature. After consulting every book I have, sending off a text messages to my sister (who just happens to be a nurse, and just happens to be working tonight), having an actual conversation with my sister in law (who has 3 kids and gave me perfectly sensible advice), I turned to the internet. And as I have noted before I believe everything I read on the of course I freak out and am convinced Wes has meningitis. Apparently every person who posted a remark on baby center has taken their 3 month old with a 101.5 fever to the ER where they have been admitted and given spinal taps...Good Lord. Luckily my rational side of the brain kicked in and decided to call the doctor first. Thank God for nice nurses who don't call new mothers crazy and irrational. She actually told me it was good to be obsessive...I may have admitted to checking his temperature every 5 minutes for the past hour! He is sleeping peacefully, as he has been for the last hour while I have sat and watched his chest rise and fall to check for "trouble breathing." Thats all I got for tonight...gonna go put the coffee on...I have a long night of watching Wes breathe ahead of me!
Hmmmmm he looks pretty peaceful think I'm overreacting....its okay you can tell me I won't take it personally!
Hmmmmm he looks pretty peaceful think I'm overreacting....its okay you can tell me I won't take it personally!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Hubby is getting jealous that he hasn't officially made an appearance on the blog! Its bad enough that Wes looks just like him, but I can already see they have the same temperament. I am loud, outgoing, and I talk...alot! Ryan on the other hand is quiet, laid back, and a total homebody! He hates crowds, would rather watch his beloved Patriots from the couch than the stadium, and god bless you if you actually engage him in conversation that requires more than a one word answer! I guess that sounds better words he is the strong silent type and thats what I love about him! Anyway back to Wes...he is clearly inheriting all of Ryan's qualities...looks just like him, is clearly going to get his size...there are certainly no 11 pound babies in my family... and he is a total homebody! Wes loves to be snuggled up at home in the quiet. Don't get me wrong he loves playing with his cousins and giving everyone that gorgeous gummy smile, but when he's done he wants out of there! I never thought I'd be able to decipher that overstimulated cry, but I think I have officially mastered it! Clearly Wes is going to grow up to be tall and handsome like his Dad, figures I did all the work and Ryan gets all the who's jealous!
Heres Wes and Daddy Hanging out...
Heres Wes and Daddy Hanging out...
The obligatory sleeping on daddy's chest picture....
The current and future generations of Show Me Your Rack BBQ...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
the big 12 weeks!
I know you were all chomping at the bit for a post yesterday...but we were too busy celebrating our first milestone age! My little man is officially 3 months old! Okay, okay if you want to get all technical he won't be three months until the 29th...but according to he is considered 3 months when he is 12 weeks. And since I believe everything I read on the internet I'm totally going with their recommendation! Anyway... back to the celebration! Wes is growing so fast...I'm not even being all nostalgic...he is seriously growing fast! He is about 17 pounds and is already filling out 3-6 month clothes! He is sleeping 8-10 hours a night...don't worry I realize how lucky I am and that my next baby will be a demon child.....and he really only cries whens he's hungry! We are having so much fun watching him find his hands and feet, scoot his little body around in circles, and that so adorable it will stop you in your tracks! So far it has been an amazing ride, I can only imagine what the next three months will bring! Keep scrolling to see the obnoxious photo shoot I made Wes suffer through...
Wes and his ladies....Morgan and Lila...they LOVE Baby Wes!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Top Mommy Blogs
I was doing some research today...more like cyber see if there are other mommy blogs out there. I was interested in how to get exposure beyond the friends and family that are obligated to read my ramblings....and I was amazed! They are everywhere, there are contests and voting all in the name of the best baby blog! Its like a cult! I can't wait to hit the 3 month I'll be considered an established jump in and see if I get any bites. Tomorrow is a big day so tune in...
you should see the other guy!
My tough little guy had his first real injury! He was lying on the floor kicking and spinning around like he does and out of the sky falls a glass mosaic coaster! It bopped him right off the head and out of the corner of my eye I spotted the blood! Then as if on cue the screaming started. I'm not sure which was worse the blood or the bloodcurdling screams! Luckily he allowed us to put ice on it and stop it from becoming a giant swollen black eye, but he does have a good cut above his eye. Oh well I'm sure it will be the first of many bumps and bruises, heres a picture of my little bruiser!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Run Chatham Run!
Today was the 114th running of the Boston Marathon! I knew of many people running, but I want to send a special shout out to Chatham Flynn! She bravely ran to support Autism, and a wonderful school called the New England Center for Children! Congratulations Chatham, we are so proud of you!
...Here's Wes cheering from the couch...Mommy wasn't quite ready to venture out into the city...
Everyone always talks about milestones...rolling over, sitting up, crawling, walking. I think its time we celebrate the little advances! This week alone Wes has begun to look at you and giggle...its the most amazing feeling to walk into his room in the morning and be greeted with a smile! He knows me and is truly happy to see me. Another new game is to bat at his toys...and by toys I mean random animals hanging from his"activity mat". I'm not sure how intentional this is, but regardless I can watch for hours! Today I laid him down on his side and propped a book up for him...he picked up his neck to look at the colorful pictures! Its like the movie Pleasantville, when the world suddenly turns to color! He is aware of his surroundings, he recognizes people, and he is such a happy little being...I fall more in love everyday!
Look at this bundle of adorableness! He likes to check himself out in the little mirror...clearly he knows how cute he is!
Look at this bundle of adorableness! He likes to check himself out in the little mirror...clearly he knows how cute he is!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Mac or PC that is the question... and as of today I am officially a MAC! This computer is so insanely quick and intelligent, I don't have to think about just works! It has completely renewed my excitement to continue the blog! In my last post you may have noticed that in the photo of me and Wes it kind of looks like our heads are fused together...that would be the cool iphoto feature where I can edit and retouch my own photos...clearly I'm not that good at it yet but practice makes perfect! Sorry have to go and play on my new toy!
Mommy's night out!
I enjoyed my first official night out last night! I spent those few luxurious adult hours at the rustic kitchen for Melissa's bachelorette party. We drank wine and ate some insanely delicious good that it has completely thrown me off my diet! I'll worry about that tomorrow, but for now I am going to continue basking in the post adult conversation glow! There was no baby talk or cooing back in forth at each other, but there was well...a whole lot of baby talk actually! I just couldn't not talk about him. How much he sleeps, how often he eats, the debacle that was breast feeding! I'm sure my girlfriends are tired of hearing about it, but its like a compulsion...I am obsessed with my child. I even thought I could smell him the whole way home...and not because there is spit up all over my car! All in all I had a great night with great people, but there is nothing like coming home to my happy little family.
Here we are snuggling before my big night out!
Here we are snuggling before my big night out!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
10-6 baby!!!!
It's official..I have the BBE...also known as the best baby ever! In a short 10.5 weeks by little man learned to sleep through the night! I'm probably jinxing myself but who cares he slept 8 hours! It amazing what a little extra sleep can do for a new mom. I actually got some work done, I didn't just stagger through the day in a sleep deprived haze! Lets keep our fingers crossed he's on to something...I'll let you know if the excitement continues. For now I'm off to bed so I too can enjoy a full 8 hours!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
And onto the next celebration...
We headed out from the shower and onto Auntie Lynn's birthday celebration! A little impromptu cookout was a perfect way to end the weekend. Nana and Papa Petersen's porch is open for the season...whenever you drive by you'll see someone swinging or rocking away the beautiful spring weather! There's nothing like the Lido Deck on a sunny afternoon! Happy Birthday Auntie Lynn!
Baby Shower
Wes had a busy day! We started off at Jen's baby shower. The girls were all there to celebrate the upcoming arrival of Baby Cameron! It is always a good time when we get together to chat and reminisce, tell the same hysterical stories we've heard over and over...a nap in the wood chips anyone! The only difference now is that instead of passing around the Dr. Migilicuddy we are passing around babies and bottles, and of course burp cloths! The level of chatter is the same, but the occasional discussion of pooping habits, nipple size, and breast feeding can be heard amongst the conversation.
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...Wes's new friend PJ being a "gentleman" I just can't get enough of him! |
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Playing peek a boo! |
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We were thinking oh cute their kissing! I'm sure Lexie was just thinking "mmmmm....this cheek tastes good!" |
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Party in the USA...
So I'm not sure whats worse for poor Ryan... the bunny suit I dressed Wes up in for Easter, or the fact that the only song Wes will relax to is Mylie Cyrus Party in the USA! Whenever he cries in the car I turn it up loud and he chills right out! Ryan swears its because of the base...we'll just let him keep thinking that!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Here comes peter cotton tail....
Easter has come and gone...what a day! We started off bright and early with Nana and Papa Petersen. We had ham and eggs, french toast, potatoes...and the most delicious Bavarian cream bread braid! Wes got his first official Easter basket filled with what else...burp cloths! There was also a stuffed bunny, extra onesies, because I can't keep up with the volcano's laundry, an outfit, and a baseball hat. Of course Nana Petersen spoiled him rotten. Sadie, Willa, and Quinn joined us and the twins had a great Easter egg hunt...can't wait for Quinn and Wes to join in the fun! When breakfast had settled and we thought we were safe from any major eruptions we hit the road and headed to Auntie Mary's for lunch. We got to see some family we hadn't seen in awhile, and even meet some new friends. Luke and Liv joined us there, and even with bloody noses and fevers the party went on. Liv loved her swim goggles the best and Luke was pretty keen on his super squad coloring book...once he decided he did like it! Wes and Luke even got matching bathing suits to wear on Duxbury Beach this summer. One of the most special events of the day was when Captain gave Wes his first official beanie baby from Nana Toomey's collection. She was totally one of those people who fought crowds for the latest creature and was super proud of her ginormous collection. Little did we know that someday they would provide endless gifts to the grandchildren she got to meet...even if only for a bit...and those she watches over from her beautiful home in heaven. I think these small tokens mean more to us, but someday the kids will know just how special those little bags of beans are!
Our busy day ended with a last minute stop at the Nye's, our future babysitter Lexi was just dying to meet the little man so we wanted to make sure she got a chance to snuggle our little bunny! We had a great day and Wes even let me sleep for 6 hours! Hope you all had a great day too...there is nothing better than a sunny 75 degree day filled with family, friends, and candy!
The day provided endless photo ops here are a few of my favs!
Our busy day ended with a last minute stop at the Nye's, our future babysitter Lexi was just dying to meet the little man so we wanted to make sure she got a chance to snuggle our little bunny! We had a great day and Wes even let me sleep for 6 hours! Hope you all had a great day too...there is nothing better than a sunny 75 degree day filled with family, friends, and candy!
The day provided endless photo ops here are a few of my favs!
Friday, April 2, 2010
First night in the big crib!
Another big night at the Petersen's! Wes spent the night in his crib! I say "spent" rather than "slept" because there wasn't a whole lot of sleeping going on! He definitely likes his crib he coos and giggles the whole time he's in there, but he hasn't slept in it for more than 2 or 3 hours at a time! Last nights lack of sleep could have been due to the marathon snuggle session we had before bed time. Since he was going to be a whole 15 extra feet away from me I figured I needed to get as many hugs in as possible! So we curled up in my bed and he may have gotten a few extra minutes of shut eye before his official bedtime...oh well we will try again tonight!
oh and of course I got it on camera!

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Really Wes...its 4am!
When I started writing this blog I figured it could be like a journal, a way to record all the little day to day things that happen. Well here is a major day to day activity... its 4:30 in the morning and I am still awake! For some reason over the last few days Wes gets up to eat around 4....I shouldn't complain he does sleep 6 hours...and then he decides he doesn't want to go back to sleep. Unfortunately for me I have to snuggle him, I can't put him down and wait him out...until today! I figured out the silly little aquarium in his crib is so entrancing he is mesmerized and within minutes he is off to dream's fantastic! Now if I could just leave him in the crib instead of picking him up and moving him back to the cradle in my room...clearly I have a separation issue! Okay off to bed for me now....
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